The significant importance of Student Support Services for Student development

By Greta Parvanova, Student Support Officer, FSB Luton Campus
Student Support Services (SSS) at FSB are indispensable in each student’s academic and personal development. SSS significantly enhances academic performance and fosters personal growth by offering a wide array of resources. Despite misconceptions that student support isn’t directly tied to academia, its impact on student success is profound. Here are some key aspects that highlight its importance:
- Academic assistance
As mentioned, SSS does not provide direct assistance in terms of academic assignments, although it is still involved in a lot of the academic procedures. For instance, Student Support at FSB assists with applying for extensions and mitigation to students, who need more time to complete their assignments. At FSB, Student Support Officers not only assist with completing the relevant forms, but also listen to students and their current circumstances. SS officers try to provide life advice and assistance to each student, who is in need (see FSB, 2024a).
- Student Finance applications
Another vital aspect of SSS is the support it provides to students in navigating the complexities of Student Finance applications. With many students relying on government assistance for tuition fees and maintenance loans, this guidance is crucial. The application process can be overwhelming, often leading to distractions and stress, which can negatively impact academic performance and attendance. At FSB, Student Support Officers ensure students not only complete their finance applications but also fully understand the process, empowering them to focus on their studies.
- Other Student Support Services
Except the above two main aspect of SSS, there are many other duties, which Student Support Officers at FSB are liable for such as: pregnancy plans, disability interviews, all personal details or timetable and course or campus changes. Additionally, SS are often involved in organising student events such as Christmas, Halloween and Start or End of Term celebrations (see FSB, 2024b).
Student Support Services have a pivotal importance in fostering an environment, where students can thrive not only academically, but personally, and professionally. By addressing the diverse needs of the student population, SSS helps ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential Smith, R. (2007).
In conclusion, according to the very minimum number of cases of student complaints as 0-1 per academic year, here at FSB Luton Campus, we know that SS is not only providing excellent service but also creating a sense of community for all students. FSB is strongly supporting diversity, acceptance, and equality, so all students can feel encouraged and welcomed at FSB family.
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Bartram, B., 2009. Student support in higher education: Understandings, implications and challenges. Higher Education Quarterly, 63(3), pp.308-314.
Evans, L. and Abbott, I., 1998. Teaching and learning in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
FSB (2024a). FSB Student Handbook. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2024].
FSB (2024b). Student Support – Fairfield School of Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2024].
Smith, R. (2007) ‘An overview of research on student support: helping students to achieve or achieving institutional targets? Nurture or de-nature?’, Teaching in Higher Education, 12(5–6), pp. 683–695. doi: 10.1080/13562510701596240.