Our Mission
Fairfield School of Business (FSB) works in partnership with leading UK universities and awarding bodies to deliver recognised qualifications that enhance your professional potential. We are committed to working with our partners to ensure that we provide high quality, industry-relevant qualifications to anyone who may benefit from them, regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances or their academic credentials.
Our Mission is to provide accessible and transformational learning experiences that meet or exceed the exacting standards of UK education, to inspire and develop future business leaders by:
- offering educational services that are relevant and appropriate to the needs of our student demographic, and which deliver a recognised qualification,
- maintaining quality learning resources in line with academic standards and industry expectations,
- exemplifying best practices in leadership, governance and academia
Our Values are:
- Education and learning through excellence
- Accountability and academic integrity
- Professionalism and support
- Widening access and participation and promoting equality of opportunity
Governance at FSB
FSB is governed by a number of bodies, instruments and processes, intended to ensure that we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and that the learning opportunities we deliver on behalf of our awarding bodies represent genuine learning gain and value for money.
Like other higher education institutions, FSB is entrusted with public funds by the Office for Students, and by our university partners, and it has a duty to manage its finances, facilities and people in an open, transparent and legally compliant manner.
Whilst FSB does not currently hold its own Degree Awarding Powers, it has aspirations to do so in the future. We therefore seek to affect institutional governance that is similar to that of a publicly founded higher education institution. This involves:
- Corporate governance at Board-level; and
- Oversight of academic standards and quality delegated to a separate Academic Board
We seek to engage students as partners in quality assurance by ensuring the Student Voice is included formally in all relevant aspects of governance, embracing the strength and authority of the Student Union. Student members sit on all key management meetings and committees.
You can read more about our governance structure, and the way we make decisions about the learning we offer here:
FSB Governance of Oversight and Academic Standards.
FSB has adopted the Code of Governance for Independent Providers of Higher Education (“The IHE Code”)
The IHE Code defines the foundational principles on which institutions can develop their own values, specialisms, and effective structures for the students and communities they serve. It has been developed to acknowledge the differences between private providers like FSB and traditional universities and colleges, with particular regard to transparency and regularity in the management of ownership structures and stakeholders’ interests.
Fairfield School of Business is a private limited company, Our head office contact address is:
Office 2, First Floor Memo House,
Kendal Avenue, London, England, W3 0XA